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Latest version:

Hobby requires JRE (Java Runtime Enviroment) to be installed to run. If you use the EXE version it will take you to http://java.com/download/ automatically if you do not have it installed.

Windows Defender does flag the bot since I am developing this for fun and not paying for a CA (which I understand cost somewhere from $100-$500 USD).
I do self-sign with GPG so that you can verify they are from me and not altered in any way, but ultimately it is up to you if you trust me.

You can get hobby from the download page

What is Hobby?

Hobby is a JAVA Twitch chat bot that I originally created for my personal use (as a... hobby, You guessed it.) and decided to let others use it if they wanted.

Why create it in JAVA?
I used JAVA because it is cross-platform and would run on any OS I decided to use.
Why create it at all when there are so many good alternatives?
I wanted a bot tailored to my needs and not dependent on anyone else or system.
Hobby runs on your local machine and never communicates with any other server except Twitch, unless you specify it to do so for sending RCON
commands to a game server. (There may be an opt-in feature in the future to check if a new version is available, but this will NEVER be on by
default, it will be as I said, an OPT-IN.)

Hobby can be a very powerful tool allowing your chat to send RCON commands (if your game/server supports RCON), mouse clicks, key presses and run commands from your computer if you so wish.
It also supports the common use case for chat bots, static commands (commands that don't change), counters, timed commands, sound playback, etc.
Sending commands to a VR headset is not supported. I don't have one so I have had no way to code it, test it, and debug it. But it has been requested in the past
so if I ever get one I will attempt to add that functionality, but as of now, that is not even in the plans
Hobby also allows you to preform certain actions based on bits and channel point redemptions

If you want to learn more or need help setting something up you can join the offical Zero Assistant/Hobby Discord server